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Kawau Island, New Zealand

Well we planned on staying 1 week, and left over 4 weeks later. We had a fantastic time on the Island, its magical, and made all the more special by our hosts Robyn and Davo. We were made to feel at home as soon as we walked onto the jetty at Kawau Boat Club. They had a list of things they wished to have done, and we were told to take our time, do not rush and make sure you have fun. Well we certainly had fun with them. They entertained us most evenings on their deck, which over looked our lovely cabin just yards from the sea. It was idyllic.

Robyn is a great cook and we enjoyed really good food  at home and when they were working we dined at their bistro, we were very spoilt. They took us out on Banshee their boat and we sailed around Kawau, we had trips out to the mainland with them. They took us on a sight seeing trip to Leigh after a visit to Brick Bay vineyard  for breakfast and a lunch in Warkworth which was so nice of them.

Staff at their bistro/bar, the islanders and boatees treated us like old friends, we enjoyed bbqs, fishing trips, sailing and dinners on board with these lovely people.

We worked in the mornings on various projects.....gardening, clearing swamp plants, preparing ground for new sheds, organizing tool sheds and equipment, making a wood store, painting the outside of the cabin that we stayed in. Ged made fly screens for the cabin and worked on their boat the Banshee repairing the step and  fixing the floor .

(top photo - Robyn and Davo with us outside Kawau Boat Club)

Preparing wood for fly screens

Finished painted fly screens

Working on the step in the boat

Clearing the swamp plants

Look at the size of that

All ready to paint the cabin

Painting finished

Robyn and some of her crew, Keira, Olivia, Janice

One of our trips out on Banshee